Helme Pasture

Self-catering Lodges and Cottages – Nidderdale, Yorkshire Dales

Booking Form for over the phone or email bookings (ie, NOT made through the FreetoBook online payment system)

 Farm Stay
 Group Accommodation
 Visit Harrogate
 Your Dog
 The Holiday Cottages
 Yorkshire Holidays
 Repeat visit

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Booking Information and Payment:

If you would like to make a non online booking please complete the above Booking form.

Please note that our changeover days are Mondays and Fridays only and we will not be able to process any bookings which request any other arrival day without our prior agreement

Non online payments must be made by either BACs transfer (Name: A R Helme, sort code: 20-37-13, account no: 60491659) or by cheque (payable to A R Helme)

Your booking is confirmed after receipt of a deposit. The deposit is 33% of the total cost of the booking (with a minimum £100 for non-online bookings per accommodation). the balance is due 8 weeks before date of arrival. Full payment due if booking made less than 8 weeks before arrival date. 




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Well behaved pets welcome @ £25 per pet per stay

Please be aware that once a booking has been confirmed, you are legally responsible for the cost of the booking as per our Terms and Conditions. Cancellation insurance can provide you with financial protection should you have to cancel your booking and can be easily obtained from many insurance comparison websites.

Click here for Conditions of Hire